8 - 15 - 2015
"The Word of The Lord"
"I Am doing a new thing in your life My children. Allow Me to take you to new places that you have never been before.
This will be a walk of complete faith. As a blind man must walk by faith, so shall this be. Implicitly trusting Me to lead
you, provide for you, care for you, and protect you. A blind walk of faith trusting wholly in Me for all props shall be
removed. This is a new day and these are new times. I Am doing a new thing. Trust Me and behold the goodness
of your God. For surely I Am a good and loving God, but also a just and holy God. Draw very near to Me and trust Me.
Walk in faith as the blind man who walks and he doesn't know where he is going but trusts, so must you be. Fear not!
For in these days it is imperative that you cling to Me - that My people cling to Me. If not, they shall be lost in the darkness
for I Am the Light. I Am the Light of the world and My people can only shine as they abide in Me. Desperate times are
coming but My people must not fear for in Me there is no fear for perfect love casts out all fear. Come and learn of
Me now; learn of My loving kindness now I say for I yearn to have you near Me under the shadow of My wings and to
protect you from all evil. But you must come."