11 - 18 - 2015
"Fear not My children - fear not! Keep your eyes fixed on Me and know that I will strengthen you, I will uphold you, and then
I will usher you into My presence. There is no need to fear for in My presence is fullness of joy! Did I not say that ALL those
that are in Me shall be persecuted. So fear not, but rejoice that you have been counted worthy, for the time is upon you -
the persecution is here and will accelerate rapidly. Be prepared; be rooted and grounded in Me and do not fear. Fear is not
of Me. There is nothing to fear for I have said do not fear man but fear Me. Hide yourself in Me. I come quickly My loved
ones. Prepare yourselves and prepare others. They will be looking to you and watching you. So stand firm and always
be ready, in season and out, as to how you will answer. Study to show yourselves approved as a good and faithful servant.
Be found busy about My business. Time is short! Do not be foolish, but be prepared and be strong, for it is only to those that
endure to the end that will make it. I have warned, so be diligent, be prepared, be alert! I love you, My children. I come quickly!
Look up, look up, and keep your eyes fixed on Me! "