Saturday, July 25, 2015

Prepare Yourself!

7 - 25 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:
"Prepare yourself, prepare yourself!  Hide yourself in the cleft of the Rock and stand firm!  Do not be fearful.  I will bring justice
to the evil upon this land very shortly for I Am a just God and I Am a holy God!  The enemy has infiltrated but I will protect those
rooted and grounded in Me.  All hidden things will be exposed.  Very soon you will see the fall and destruction of this babylonian
system that man has trusted in.  They will have to decide in who they will trust then on that dreadful day - their idols made
by their own hands or the everlasting God Almighty!  Great darkness as never seen before is soon to cover this land. Like
multitudes of devouring locusts released to destroy everything before them, when they are finished nothing is left - so shall it be
of this great nation, so great shall be the fall, so great shall be the fall.  The hearts of the people are hard and arrogant filled with
insolence, stubborness, and pride refusing My mercy and grace so thus shall it be for they have spoken.  Though they thought
theselves to be gods I will make known to them the one true God and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess
that Jesus Christ, My precious Son, is Lord of All!"

I have felt so very stong in my spirit for some time now that in the next two months disasters are going to befall our nation
and we need to be ready.  The Lord spoke to me that we should be storing up and preparing as Joseph did for hard times.
But we need to seek Him individually & hear His voice for ourselves as to what we must do for ourselves.
I will not go more into the specifics of what He has shown me but what is important is that we are trusting in Him and
telling people about Jesus.

Look up for our redemption draweth nigh!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Give Me Ears to Hear

7 - 19 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:
"I say My children, look up!  I say, keep your eyes on things above and not the things of this world.  I Am the Author and Finisher of
your faith.  Look to Me.  Open your ears that you may hear what the Spirit of God is saying.  For yes, the things happening upon
the earth look bad from the East coast to the West coast  But I have warned you that everything that could be shaken would
be and now the shaking is upon you.  So keep your eyes on Me for you WILL NOT be able to stand in the shaking if your eyes are
not fixed upon Me.  Look to Me, for I Am your Rock.  Look to Me, for I am your shelter in the storm and your refuge to run to.  But
I cry out to you, open your ears that you may hear My voice.  DO NOT listen to the world!  You must not look to the world!  LISTEN,
LISTEN and open your ears that you may hear what the Spirit of God is saying!"

Col 3:1  Set your minds on things above, not on the things that are on earth.

Heb 12:2a  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith:

Mrk 4:9 And Jesus said, "Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear".

Heb 12:26-27  And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, "Yet once more I will shake not only the
                         earth, but also the heaven."  This expression, "Yet once more," denotes the removing of those things which can
                         be shaken, as of created things, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Psa 18:2  The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my stronghold in whom I take refuge, my shield, the glory of my
                  salvation, and my high tower.


Monday, July 13, 2015

The Shaking

7 - 12 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:

"I will shake once again the whole earth and the heavens for My anger has risen up against the insolence of man.  I will shake
all that can be shaken and only that which is of Me shall stand.  That which is found on man's principles shall fall and the
foolishness of man shall be revealed for though he thought himself wise to change My laws, I will show his wisdom to be foolish.
Man has brought division to this nation amongst men.  Now I will split wide and divide the very foundation of this nation and
then call out to your idols of gold and silver to save you!  Call out to those in positions of power to save you!  Even call out to
religious leaders that have exalted themselves in the eyes of man!  Everything that has been exalted will be brought low
and only that which is of Me will remain standing.  Prepare yourselves!  Prepare yourselves for it comes quickly!"

Friday, July 10, 2015

Latter Day Rain

7 - 10 - 2015

The Word of The Lord

"It is only the beginning of great and mighty things to come.  Just as only the tip of an iceberg can be seen but not the vastness
that lies beneath the waters, so it is in the spiritual realm at this time.  In the natural everything does look dark and out of
control, but I have all things in control.  For I sit upon the throne; I ride upon the clouds; the earth is My footstool.  I said in the
latter days I would pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.  These are the latter days and this is the latter rain.  Hold fast and do
not be discouraged or grow faint.  For just as in the natural, often times there is a drizzle before the downpour of the rain,
it surely is coming.  To some that outpouring of My Spirit will be a sweet aroma, but to others the smell of death, an offense,
a stumbling block.  It will appear that things are growing darker and darker just as in the natural it gets dark before the rain
because the clouds cover the sun.  But when the rain pours down the sun always shines brighter after the storm.  So,
My people, hear My voice and do not be fearful of these storm clouds causing darkness upon the land.  The storms will cleanse
and strengthen.  And when it is over the Son shall shine brighter!  My glory shall be seen in all the earth!"

Friday, July 3, 2015

Be Holy As I Am Holy

7 - 3 - 2015

The Word of the Lord:
"The shaking that is coming is to remove the dross from the silver, the sheep from the goats, the tares from the wheat.  All that will
remain will be a firm foundation built upon the Rock and made up of precious stones, tried and true.  For My house shall be a house
of prayer, a house of holiness - not a house of mockery and foolishness and flesh!  Everything that exalts itself above My name
shall be brought down and only that which has been built on My name shall stand.  I will expose; I will tear down;  I will uproot,
for I Am a holy God.  I will not be mocked!  My pure living waters of life have been rejected for cracked cisterns by defiling My holy
Word and My teachings with compromise.  My pure and holy Word has been tainted with the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life that you may heap unto yourselves golden idols.  I say repent and return to My pure living waters.  Repent and
cleanse your hearts from all that is unholy and unclean for without holiness no man shall see God.  Come out of that unclean
thing and be ye holy, My people.  My heart weeps for you have rejected My pure living waters.  Return to Me with clean hands
and pure hearts, My children."