7 - 3 - 2015
The Word of the Lord:
"The shaking that is coming is to remove the dross from the silver, the sheep from the goats, the tares from the wheat. All that will
remain will be a firm foundation built upon the Rock and made up of precious stones, tried and true. For My house shall be a house
of prayer, a house of holiness - not a house of mockery and foolishness and flesh! Everything that exalts itself above My name
shall be brought down and only that which has been built on My name shall stand. I will expose; I will tear down; I will uproot,
for I Am a holy God. I will not be mocked! My pure living waters of life have been rejected for cracked cisterns by defiling My holy
Word and My teachings with compromise. My pure and holy Word has been tainted with the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life that you may heap unto yourselves golden idols. I say repent and return to My pure living waters. Repent and
cleanse your hearts from all that is unholy and unclean for without holiness no man shall see God. Come out of that unclean
thing and be ye holy, My people. My heart weeps for you have rejected My pure living waters. Return to Me with clean hands
and pure hearts, My children."
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