Monday, June 22, 2015

Choose Life

6 - 1 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:
Doesn't My Word say that judgement begins in the House of the Lord.  It is because of My people who are called by My name that
judgement is now upon the land for I am coming back for a Bride without spot or blemish.  But there has been mockery brought into
My house - another Jesus has been preached, another gospel of demons and damnable doctrines, and My people love it so.  They
have embraced a gospel of the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.  But this is not My gospel.  For My gospel
says to deny self, pick up your cross and follow Me.  Few shall be chosen though many have been called - few I say!  Open your
ears to what the Spirit is saying for I will say to you, "Depart from Me, I never knew you!"  How can you say you know Me if you
can't spend time with Me, if you don't read My Word, if you don't obey My commandments.  My words are the Bread of Life and they
are sustaining power for the days ahead.  Do not fool yourselves for I say if you love Me, you will obey My commandments.  I will
not be mocked!  You serve Me from afar; but I say you can not serve two masters, for you will love one and DESPISE the other!
DESPISE I SAY - so listen to Me and WAKE UP, WAKE UP AND ARISE OUT OF YOUR SLUMBER!  Many, many choose the wide
path that leads to destruction, but few there be that follow the narrow road that leads to life.  I say this day, CHOOSE LIFE!

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