Monday, June 22, 2015

Only Believe

6 - 17 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:
Many of you look around and say to Me, "why, Lord, why? Why do I not see Your hand intervening in my situation?"  Many of you
have grown tired and weary, but I say to you, My child, I see and I have promised to never leave you or forsake you.  But you must
take My yoke upon you for My burden is light.  Stop striving and bring it to Me.  Trust Me, come to Me, and I will give you rest.
Seek Me first, My loved ones, and all these things will be added unto you.  These thing are strength, peace, joy.  In My presence
is fullness of joy.  They that wait upon the Lord shall mount up on wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary;  they shall
walk and not faint for I will renew your strength!  Cast your burdens unto Me and I will give you rest.  Trust Me and remember,
there is no condemnation in Me.  I love you!  Where sin does abound, My grace does more richly abound.  Think on that, My
children, for surely My grace is sufficient for you and My mercies are new every morning.  So I say, REJOICE in Me and be glad,
for I will perfect those things that concern you - ONLY BELIEVE! 

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