Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Harden Not Your Heart

12 - 15 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:
"So much hardness of heart and My people love it so.  They no longer delight in time with Me but seek after their
gods that they have erected in their hearts.  They are content as they are and do not desire to hear My voice or
change their ways.  They have pulled the blinders over their eyes themselves and shut their ears to My voice
saying, "I will do it my way".  They have believed a lie and love it so.  They do not want sound doctrine.  They do not
want to count the cost or bear the cross.  They say, " the price has already been paid and it is done!".  Such
misconception of My Word to hold on to their idols and gods.  But the day is coming soon, and surely it will not
delay, when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!  So be not deceived, My
children, there is a cost and there is a cross to follow after Me."

Luke 9: 23 And He said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily,
                   and follow Me.

Mat 10: 3 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me.

Ezek 14:3 Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumbling block of their iniquity
                  before their face:  should I be inquired of at all by them?

Phil 2: 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every
                  tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Heb 3: 7  Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit says, "Today if you hear His voice, 8 Do not harden your hearts as when they
                  provoked Me, As in the day of trial in the wilderness, 9 where your fathers tried Me by testing Me, and saw
                 My works for forty years.  10 Therefore I was angry with this generation, and said, "they always go astray in
                 their heart, and they did not know My ways";  11 as I swore in My wrath, they shall not enter My rest."

The Lord has strongly been immpressing to me the seriousness of the sin of unbelief.  We confess with our mouths but
our hearts are far from Him as evidenced by our lack of time with Him for we make time for the things we love.  Also, as
evidenced by our fears, worries, and anxieties for His Word repeatedly states, "Fear not".

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Persecution Is Here

11 - 18 - 2015

"Fear not My children - fear not!  Keep your eyes fixed on Me and know that I will strengthen you, I will uphold you, and then
I will usher you into My presence.  There is no need to fear for in My presence is fullness of joy!  Did I not say that ALL those
that are in Me shall be persecuted.  So fear not, but rejoice that you have been counted worthy, for the time is upon you -
the persecution is here and will accelerate rapidly.  Be prepared; be rooted and grounded in Me and do not fear.  Fear is not
of Me.  There is nothing to fear for I have said do not fear man but fear Me.  Hide yourself in Me.  I come quickly My loved
ones.  Prepare yourselves and prepare others.  They will be looking to you and watching you.  So stand firm and always
be ready, in season and out, as to how you will answer.  Study to show yourselves approved as a good and faithful servant.
Be found busy about My business.  Time is short!  Do not be foolish, but be prepared and be strong, for it is only to those that
endure to the end that will make it.  I have warned, so be diligent, be prepared, be alert!  I love you, My children.  I come quickly!
Look up, look up, and keep your eyes fixed on Me! "

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Come To Me

10 - 30 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:

Open wide ye gates; the King of Glory enters.
Open wide your hearts and worship the King for He is worthy to be praised!  Alleluia!

"My children, look up, look up unto the hills from whence cometh your help!  Your help comes from Me.  Do not
be anxious - do not be fearful for though it appears that evil abounds, I Am greater.  Never forget that.  Never,
ever forget that I defeated Satan at the Cross and every jot and every tittle must be fulfilled.  So stand fast
and fear not!  You are more than conquerors for I overcame the enemy at the Cross and scripture must be
  Read My Word.  Know My Word.  Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds
forth from My mouth.  My words are life.  My words are the Bread of Life that will satisfy and sustain you.
Daily fill yourself with My Word and you will indeed soar high above the enemy.  You will not fear for there
is no fear in perfect love and I Am Love.  Quiet your soul and draw nigh to Me.  It is very important for you to
be still and know that I Am God.  Quiet your soul and draw nigh.  I long for you My bride - come, come to Me.
Come to Me when I call."

Psa121:1, Phil 4:6-7, Mt 6:31-34, Col 2:15, Mt 5:18, Rom 8:37, Mt 4:4, Jn 6:48, 1Jn 4:18

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Enemy Within

10 - 1 - 2015

The word of the Lord;
"The enemy lies not without but from within.  Do not look around and be fearful but search your hearts that you may be
found rooted and grounded in Me.  For it is only in Me you will be able to stand.  Don't you see, it is not the enemy without
but the enemy of your soul you must guard yourself from.  The enemy of fear, doubt, and unbelief.  So hide yourself in
Me, for I Am your strength.  I Am your safe refuge and strong tower, a mighty bulwark and shelter in the  storm.  Do not
be fearful of the enemy without, for I will keep you and never leave you or forsake you.  Only trust in Me."

Many of us may be questioning that the four blood moons have come and gone along with the other warnings of the
shemitah, etc.  But as I was in prayer last night and this morning, I saw that the Feast of Tabernacles began on Sept. 28
until Oct. 4.  This Jewish festival is to celebrate God delivering the Jews out of Egypt where they met Him in the
wilderness.  It was here that He led them, fed them, and made Himself known to them.  It is a festival of rejoicing
because they were delivered out of bondage and in the wilderness, the Lord showed Himself mightily to His chosen
people.  They were a chosen people that He would personally bring into the Promised Land! However, we know that
they did not enter because of unbelief.

I believe that this is saying alot to us today. We must not let our guard down!  God is still God and we can not box Him in. 
His ways are higher than ours, but He still remains holy and just.  Therefore, remain vigilant @ all times and trust that
He will also provide for us in our days of wilderness, whenever they may be.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Horsemen Released

9 -06 - 2015
The Word of The Lord:
Prepare your hearts for the horsemen have been released and are riding throughout the land.  War and famine, loss of wages
in one day, times of great darkness upon the land.  Times of great fear and uprisings.  Hide yourself in Me.  Be busy about God's
business now.  Increased persecutions are coming.  Time to wake up and be vigilant; a time to put away childish things and
rise to the high calling of Jesus Christ and not waver.  Cry out for the many who do not have ears to hear, whose heads are
buried in the sand and say times will go on as usual.  Pray that they heed the cries of the watchman and not be caught
unaware.  Pray My people as never before.  This is a time of preparation and preparation is prayer.  Praying in the Spirit
that you may build yourself up.  Praying in the Spirit for ye know not how to pray.  Praying in the Spirit for it is My will that
you are praying and as you pray then you will begin to understand  as My will is revealed to you by My Spirit.  Do not lean to
your own understanding for this is spiritual warfare and you can't understand except by the Spirit.  The world may be caught
unaware but you, My children, are without excuse for I have given you My Spirit.  You know not because you ask not, but
I desire all My children to know and be prepared.  To him who has ears to hear, let him hear.

My thoughts;
When I heard the Spirit say that the horsemen had been released, I was puzzled for i knew that He was speaking of the 4
horsemen in the book of Revelation which are usually related to the Apocalypse.  Rev 6:1 -11 does clearly describe what is
happening globally today.  That can't be denied.  The Life Application commentary states this, "The four horses are a foretaste
of the final judgements yet to come. The four riders are given power over one-fourth of the earth, indicating that God is still
limiting His judgement - it is not yet complete.  With these judgments there is still time for unbelievers to turn to Christ and
away from their sin.  In this case, the limited judgement not only demonstrates God's wrath on sin but also His merciful
love in giving people yet anotheer opportunity to turn to Him before He brings final judgement."

I believe that these "foretaste" of judgements are refining fires for His church for He is coming back for a church without
spot or blemish, Ephes 5: 27.  He is also very patient and longsuffering wanting no one to perish but that all may come
to repentance, 2 Pet 3: 9.  And of course, our loving father chastises those He loves, Heb 12:6.

In addition, our nation has turned its back upon God and He does judge the wicked because He is a just and holy God.
He has blessed us more than any other nation and has repeatedly warned us through His prophets and watchmen, but
we have ignored the warnings.

Amos 3: 6 If a trumpet is blown in a city will not the people tremble?
                   If a calamity occurs in a city has not the Lord done it?
               7 Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret
                  counsel to His servants the prophets.

We must heed the warnings and BE READY!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Abide In Me

9 - 2 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:

"Great wars and great famines will soon break out upon the earth as nothing ever seen before.  The enemy knows that his time
is short and has unleashed hoardes of his army to render evil as has never before.  Evil to wear down the saints and
deceive the very elect if it were possible.  Evil that will cause those that are not rooted and grounded in Me to fall away.  Evil
that will cause many to shake their fist at Me and wish for the rocks to fall upon them and die.  But you, My Children, shall be
safe if you hide yourself in Me.  You must abide in Me!  Turn away from anything that would steal your affections for Me for you
MUST love Me with all of your heart, all of your strength, and all of your mind.  You MUST follow closely after Me, My children,
and fear not, for I Am with you even to the ends of time.  Trust Me and fear not!  If I feed the sparrows and clothe the lilies, how
much more shall I do for you!  Oh, I delight to do great and mighty things for you, My Children, if you only trust Me and draw
near to Me.  I love you with an everlasting love.  Do not be afraid!"

"Go out into the fields for they are white unto harvest.  Many unbelievers are fearful and looking for answers.  You, My Children,
have the answers.  Go forth, go forth and tell them that I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life - no man come unto the
Father but through Me.  I will hide them through the storms safely in the ark;  but they must come unto Me.  But how will they
know unless you tell them.  Go forth! "

Rev 12:12 But terror will come on the earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great anger, knowing that his time
                   is short.

Dan 7:25  He'll speak out against the most High and wear down the saints of the most High.  He will attempt to change times
                  and laws;

Mat 24:24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible,
                   even the elect.

Job 15:24  Distress and anguish terrify him, They overpower him like a king ready for the attack, because he has stretched
                   out his fist against God and conducts himself arrogantly against the Almighty.

Luke 12:27 Love the Lord with all of your heart and with all your soul and with all of your strength and with all your mind.

Mat 28:20     And surely I Am with you always, to the end of the world.

Jn 4:35       Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for the are white already to harvest

Jn 14:6     Jesus answered, "I Am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Psal 27:5  For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His sacred
                  tent and set me high upon a rock.

Rom10:14 But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him?  And how can they believe in Him if
                   they have not heard?  And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?

Saturday, August 15, 2015

A New Day

8 - 15 - 2015

"The Word of The Lord"
"I Am doing a new thing in your life My children.  Allow Me to take you to new places that you have never been before.
This will be a walk of complete faith.  As a blind man must walk by faith, so shall this be.  Implicitly trusting Me to lead
you, provide for you, care for you, and protect you.  A blind walk of faith trusting wholly in Me for all props shall be
removed.  This is a new day and these are new times.  I Am doing a new thing.  Trust Me and behold the goodness
of your God. For surely I Am a good and loving God, but also a just and holy God.  Draw very near to Me and trust Me.
Walk in faith as the blind man who walks and he doesn't know where he is going but trusts, so must you be.  Fear not!
For in these days it is imperative that you cling to Me - that My people cling to Me.  If not, they shall be lost in the darkness
for I Am the Light.  I Am the Light of the world and My people can only shine as they abide in Me.  Desperate times are
coming but My people must not fear for in Me there is no fear for perfect love casts out all fear.  Come and learn of
Me now;  learn of My loving kindness now I say for I yearn to have you near Me under the shadow of My wings and to
protect you from all evil.  But you must come."

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Set Your Face As Flint

8 - 2 - 2015

The Word of The Lord
"Now is the time.  Now is the moment My people that you must choose to stand and not waver.  For if you do not commit
now, you will not be able to stand in the days of persecution and calamaties.  You MUST set your face as flint and not waver!
Get your house in order.  Remove far from you everything that will weigh you down or distract you.  Study My Word.  This is
crucial that you not be deceived.  Prepare yourselves now for if you wait it will be too late.  Many, many I say will not be able
to stand for they are not hearkening to My voice.  Their ears are deafened to the cries of the watchman.  I have warned
repeatedly and many, many choose to continue in their own ways thinking they have plenty of time.  Look around you, My
people!  Do you not see the destruction all around!  There is not plenty of time.  I say warn and sound the alarm for all are
called to be watchman that the blood be not on your hands.  You must tell them about Me.  Speak out or the blood will be
on you hands!"

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Prepare Yourself!

7 - 25 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:
"Prepare yourself, prepare yourself!  Hide yourself in the cleft of the Rock and stand firm!  Do not be fearful.  I will bring justice
to the evil upon this land very shortly for I Am a just God and I Am a holy God!  The enemy has infiltrated but I will protect those
rooted and grounded in Me.  All hidden things will be exposed.  Very soon you will see the fall and destruction of this babylonian
system that man has trusted in.  They will have to decide in who they will trust then on that dreadful day - their idols made
by their own hands or the everlasting God Almighty!  Great darkness as never seen before is soon to cover this land. Like
multitudes of devouring locusts released to destroy everything before them, when they are finished nothing is left - so shall it be
of this great nation, so great shall be the fall, so great shall be the fall.  The hearts of the people are hard and arrogant filled with
insolence, stubborness, and pride refusing My mercy and grace so thus shall it be for they have spoken.  Though they thought
theselves to be gods I will make known to them the one true God and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess
that Jesus Christ, My precious Son, is Lord of All!"

I have felt so very stong in my spirit for some time now that in the next two months disasters are going to befall our nation
and we need to be ready.  The Lord spoke to me that we should be storing up and preparing as Joseph did for hard times.
But we need to seek Him individually & hear His voice for ourselves as to what we must do for ourselves.
I will not go more into the specifics of what He has shown me but what is important is that we are trusting in Him and
telling people about Jesus.

Look up for our redemption draweth nigh!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Give Me Ears to Hear

7 - 19 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:
"I say My children, look up!  I say, keep your eyes on things above and not the things of this world.  I Am the Author and Finisher of
your faith.  Look to Me.  Open your ears that you may hear what the Spirit of God is saying.  For yes, the things happening upon
the earth look bad from the East coast to the West coast  But I have warned you that everything that could be shaken would
be and now the shaking is upon you.  So keep your eyes on Me for you WILL NOT be able to stand in the shaking if your eyes are
not fixed upon Me.  Look to Me, for I Am your Rock.  Look to Me, for I am your shelter in the storm and your refuge to run to.  But
I cry out to you, open your ears that you may hear My voice.  DO NOT listen to the world!  You must not look to the world!  LISTEN,
LISTEN and open your ears that you may hear what the Spirit of God is saying!"

Col 3:1  Set your minds on things above, not on the things that are on earth.

Heb 12:2a  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith:

Mrk 4:9 And Jesus said, "Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear".

Heb 12:26-27  And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, "Yet once more I will shake not only the
                         earth, but also the heaven."  This expression, "Yet once more," denotes the removing of those things which can
                         be shaken, as of created things, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Psa 18:2  The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my stronghold in whom I take refuge, my shield, the glory of my
                  salvation, and my high tower.


Monday, July 13, 2015

The Shaking

7 - 12 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:

"I will shake once again the whole earth and the heavens for My anger has risen up against the insolence of man.  I will shake
all that can be shaken and only that which is of Me shall stand.  That which is found on man's principles shall fall and the
foolishness of man shall be revealed for though he thought himself wise to change My laws, I will show his wisdom to be foolish.
Man has brought division to this nation amongst men.  Now I will split wide and divide the very foundation of this nation and
then call out to your idols of gold and silver to save you!  Call out to those in positions of power to save you!  Even call out to
religious leaders that have exalted themselves in the eyes of man!  Everything that has been exalted will be brought low
and only that which is of Me will remain standing.  Prepare yourselves!  Prepare yourselves for it comes quickly!"

Friday, July 10, 2015

Latter Day Rain

7 - 10 - 2015

The Word of The Lord

"It is only the beginning of great and mighty things to come.  Just as only the tip of an iceberg can be seen but not the vastness
that lies beneath the waters, so it is in the spiritual realm at this time.  In the natural everything does look dark and out of
control, but I have all things in control.  For I sit upon the throne; I ride upon the clouds; the earth is My footstool.  I said in the
latter days I would pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.  These are the latter days and this is the latter rain.  Hold fast and do
not be discouraged or grow faint.  For just as in the natural, often times there is a drizzle before the downpour of the rain,
it surely is coming.  To some that outpouring of My Spirit will be a sweet aroma, but to others the smell of death, an offense,
a stumbling block.  It will appear that things are growing darker and darker just as in the natural it gets dark before the rain
because the clouds cover the sun.  But when the rain pours down the sun always shines brighter after the storm.  So,
My people, hear My voice and do not be fearful of these storm clouds causing darkness upon the land.  The storms will cleanse
and strengthen.  And when it is over the Son shall shine brighter!  My glory shall be seen in all the earth!"

Friday, July 3, 2015

Be Holy As I Am Holy

7 - 3 - 2015

The Word of the Lord:
"The shaking that is coming is to remove the dross from the silver, the sheep from the goats, the tares from the wheat.  All that will
remain will be a firm foundation built upon the Rock and made up of precious stones, tried and true.  For My house shall be a house
of prayer, a house of holiness - not a house of mockery and foolishness and flesh!  Everything that exalts itself above My name
shall be brought down and only that which has been built on My name shall stand.  I will expose; I will tear down;  I will uproot,
for I Am a holy God.  I will not be mocked!  My pure living waters of life have been rejected for cracked cisterns by defiling My holy
Word and My teachings with compromise.  My pure and holy Word has been tainted with the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life that you may heap unto yourselves golden idols.  I say repent and return to My pure living waters.  Repent and
cleanse your hearts from all that is unholy and unclean for without holiness no man shall see God.  Come out of that unclean
thing and be ye holy, My people.  My heart weeps for you have rejected My pure living waters.  Return to Me with clean hands
and pure hearts, My children."

Monday, June 29, 2015

My Sheep Hear My Voice

6 - 29 - 2015

The Word of the Lord:
"My sheep hear My voice and the voice of a stranger they do not heed.  My peope, get quiet before Me that you may hear
and recognize and know My voice and NOT heed the enemy!  For you are living in perilous times indeed, but for those that
know Me and heed My voice, I will protect  them under the shadow of My wings. I will make provisions for them in the desert
places.  I will make straight paths before them saying, "surely, this is the way, walk in it".  And those that know My voice shall
not fear and neither shall they lack, for I Am with them."

Monday, June 22, 2015

Only Believe

6 - 17 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:
Many of you look around and say to Me, "why, Lord, why? Why do I not see Your hand intervening in my situation?"  Many of you
have grown tired and weary, but I say to you, My child, I see and I have promised to never leave you or forsake you.  But you must
take My yoke upon you for My burden is light.  Stop striving and bring it to Me.  Trust Me, come to Me, and I will give you rest.
Seek Me first, My loved ones, and all these things will be added unto you.  These thing are strength, peace, joy.  In My presence
is fullness of joy.  They that wait upon the Lord shall mount up on wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary;  they shall
walk and not faint for I will renew your strength!  Cast your burdens unto Me and I will give you rest.  Trust Me and remember,
there is no condemnation in Me.  I love you!  Where sin does abound, My grace does more richly abound.  Think on that, My
children, for surely My grace is sufficient for you and My mercies are new every morning.  So I say, REJOICE in Me and be glad,
for I will perfect those things that concern you - ONLY BELIEVE! 

Choose Life

6 - 1 - 2015

The Word of The Lord:
Doesn't My Word say that judgement begins in the House of the Lord.  It is because of My people who are called by My name that
judgement is now upon the land for I am coming back for a Bride without spot or blemish.  But there has been mockery brought into
My house - another Jesus has been preached, another gospel of demons and damnable doctrines, and My people love it so.  They
have embraced a gospel of the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.  But this is not My gospel.  For My gospel
says to deny self, pick up your cross and follow Me.  Few shall be chosen though many have been called - few I say!  Open your
ears to what the Spirit is saying for I will say to you, "Depart from Me, I never knew you!"  How can you say you know Me if you
can't spend time with Me, if you don't read My Word, if you don't obey My commandments.  My words are the Bread of Life and they
are sustaining power for the days ahead.  Do not fool yourselves for I say if you love Me, you will obey My commandments.  I will
not be mocked!  You serve Me from afar; but I say you can not serve two masters, for you will love one and DESPISE the other!
DESPISE I SAY - so listen to Me and WAKE UP, WAKE UP AND ARISE OUT OF YOUR SLUMBER!  Many, many choose the wide
path that leads to destruction, but few there be that follow the narrow road that leads to life.  I say this day, CHOOSE LIFE!

Draw Near To Me

5 - 31 - 15

The word of the Lord:
I say go and buy of Me gold refined in the fire that you may be rich, for many of you think that you are rich and in need of nothing.
But I say you are blind and naked and I chastise those I love.  You serve Me from afar and I say to you, that you will not be able to
stand in the days ahead for what is coming upon the land.  You must draw near to Me and be rooted and grounded on the Rock!
I have repeatedly warned you to come to Me, but you do not draw near.  You are lukewarm.  Did I not say I would spew the luke-
warm out of My mouth?  So I say,  come and buy of Me gold refined in the fire that you may be rich, and garments of white, and
eyesalve that you may see.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Seek Me First

4 -11-2015

The word of the Lord:
I say seek Me first and all these things shall be added unto you.  But you do not seek Me first.  You are deceiving yourselves - examine your hearts I say, for you have other lovers that contend for My love.  You run to and fro but you do not come to Me when I call.  You do not come to Me when My doors are open. For just as they had excuses to not attend the marriage  feast, so too, you have your excuses to do the things of the world that are more important than Me.  Do not fool yourselves or be deceived for I will not be mocked. I say if your light be dark, how great is your darkness.  So examine your hearts and discern what truly has first place in your heart. Excuses, excuses, - I hear them everyday.  My heart weeps My children; My heart weeps for other lovers have your hearts and you love it so.  I say rend your hearts and weep lest there be no room for you at the banqueting table.  
Mt 6:33 , Lk14:15-24,  Gal 6: 7,  Mt 6:23

Thursday, June 11, 2015


4 -9-2015

The word of the Lord;
You call Me Lord and Master; I call you servants.  Remember that the servant is not greater than the Master and if the Master has been persecuted so shall you be.  If the Master has been lied about and betrayed, so shall you be.  I am telling you that there have been many before you that loved their life not unto death thinking this world not worthy of them for they were looking for a city whose builder and maker was God.  So set your eyes on things above and run the race with endurance as that great cloud of witnesses look down upon you.  Lay aside that sin that so easily besets you for the glory that lies ahead.  I have promised you that when you go through the waters, you will not drown; when you go through the fire, you shall not be burned for I Am there with you.  Yes, I Am there, so fear not for I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness and I will never leave you or forsake you.  And when it is time, I will usher you in to My presence and there you will be forevermore.  So I say rejoice and again, I say rejoice, for your redemption draws near!

Jn3:13,16,  Heb11:10,38,  Col3:2,  Heb12:1-2,  Isa43:2,  Isa41:10

I Am that I Am

3 - 16 - 2015

The word of the Lord;
I will work all things out to bring this nation to their knees, to repent of their sins, for they have rejected Me and turned away from what this nation was founded on.  They have not heeded the warnings nor repented.  Therefore, judgement shall come forth in full measure due to the stubbornness and arrogance of their hearts.  Oh, My people, hide yourselves under the shadow of My wings.  Stay close to Me and remain strong, for I will never leave you or forsake you.  I Am righteous and true.  My Spirit is grieved at the sinfulness amongst the nations for it has risen up to My nostrils and I can no longer overlook these atrocities.  My hand has come down; My verdict has been declared and now is the time.  The sufferings of My people have been great.  The sufferings of My precious ones have been seen and not gone unnoticed.  But I say the time has come that I will mete out My judgment and they will know that I Am that I Am has met with them.  They WILL KNOW that I Am and there is no other! The day of vengeance is here.  Be prepared and hide yourselves under My wings; stay close to Me.  This is a time like none other to be busy about My business and drawing near to Me for I will be Your very sustenance.  Drink of Me and eat of Me.  Sit at My feet and TURN FROM THIS WORLD!  TURN! Do not be caught up as they did in the days of Noah but hear what the Spirit of God is crying out!  To him who has ears to hear, let him hear.

"I felt that what the Lord was referring to regarding the suffering of His precious ones, was the great persecution  of Christians going on in the Middle East.  We, as a nation, have essentially turned our face from Israel & the persecutions of Christians."

Sunday, June 7, 2015

El Shaddai, God Almighty


The Word of the Lord:
"My children, do not be fearful of the things you see happening around you for I Am El Shaddai,
God Almighty!  I Am Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Rapha.  I have warned repeatedly
that these times would come and I say fear not.  Come and drink of Me, for I will give you Living Waters and you will never thirst.  Come and eat of Me, for I Am the Bread of Life.  The glory of the
Lord will arise in the darkness and My glory will be seen in you.  I say fear not but hide yourself under the shadow of My wings."

I Am Your Source


The Word of the Lord:

"You will see a windfall of the economy but do not fret for I Am your source.  Look to Me and fear not.  The land will be hit - East, West, and South coasts; but do not fear.  Hide yourself in the cleft of the Rock.  My glory is soon to burst forth in this time of grave darkness and it will shine brightly upon all the land.  My people will do mighty exploits.  Times will be tumultuous and gravely dangerous as never seen before.  Many will run to the Light and want to know Me.  It will be a great time of weeping and a great time of rejoicing.  So fear not, but rejoice for My glory will be seen in all the earth!"

Isa 60:1-2  Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
                  For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples;
                  But the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you.

Be Ready!


The Word of the Lord:
"Come unto Me all that are weary and I shall give you rest.  Hide yourself under the shadow of My wings.  Be not fearful, for fear is not of Me.  Trust Me My people.  Look to me and Me alone.  You can not trust in man or money in the days that are coming.  Draw very nigh to Me that you can stand in the days ahead.  I must be your top priority.  Everything else Must be put aside and seek Me!  Speak out to the lost that I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Fear not the looks of men for men will turn upon one another as nothing you have ever seen before.  You must Be Ready!  Be Ready!
Be Ready!  I come quickly when no man knows.  Tell the people I come quickly. Do not be fearful but speak out.  This is a matter of life and death.  Great evil is coming to the homeland and it shall not be stopped.  Be Ready and Be Prepared!  You Must be rooted and grounded in Me!"

The Woes Are Coming

The word of the Lord:
"Judgement is coming upon the land due to the heaping up of riches and lusts of fleshy appetites. The anger of the Lord burns against the wicked and the lukewarm.  I have called and called but they have chosen the gods of the world.  Now judgement has been released against the merchandising of My Son and Christians not standing up for righteousness.  The woes have been released.  A time of wailing has come upon the earth.  A time of great wailing and great blood shed.  Wars in the streets; great war, violence, and an uprising of evil and militia.  Great violence and blood shed.  Pray to be hidden in the cleft of the Rock.  Days of persecution coming for all that is holy and good.  Pray My people as never before for My name has been blasphemed upon this land and I will make them drink of the dregs of the cup.  The days of woes is upon the land.  Hide yourself in the cleft of the Rock.  All that you've trusted in is tumbling down.  Soon, very soon, you will see things very differently for great change is indeed coming to America."

James 5:1 Come now, you rich (people), weep aloud and lament over the miseries (woes) that are surely coming upon you. (Amp)

As the Holy Spirit was speaking to me, I felt in my spirit that judgement is coming against America for we have mocked the living and holy God.  We have mocked and defiled what is holy, righteous, and good while lifting up the unclean.

6/2015  As I read this word that was spoken in 2013, ISIS & rioting had not yet started.  "Wars in the streets; great war, violence, & an uprising of evil"